The Inner Garden Meditation

Ericksonian meditation is a powerful method for entering a trance, communicating with your subconscious, and healing psychological stress. In this meditation, we will guide you through an inner journey using metaphors to help you relax and connect with your subconscious mind.

The Inner Garden Meditation

Sit comfortably or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep, slow breaths. Let your body relax and begin to focus on your breath.

Now imagine that you are standing in front of a large wooden gate. This gate leads to an inner garden, a place of peace and serenity. Open the gate and enter this garden.

The Garden of Relaxation

Upon entering the garden, you are immediately surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of nature. You hear the birds singing, the rustling of leaves in the trees, and the gentle sound of water flowing in a nearby stream.

Walk slowly through the garden, taking the time to admire the colorful flowers and majestic trees. You feel the soft ground beneath your feet and a gentle breeze caressing your face.

The Water Source

Now head toward the source of the water sound. You find a small waterfall that feeds into a peaceful stream. The flowing water represents the flow of thoughts and emotions in your mind.

Sit near the waterfall and watch the water flow. Let your thoughts and emotions follow the natural movement of the water. If stressful thoughts arise, simply imagine them being carried away by the current.

The Path of Letting Go

Resume your walk in the garden and find a path that stretches out before you. This path represents your journey towards healing and letting go.

Walk slowly along the path and notice how the nature changes around you. You may see trees losing their leaves, symbolizing the process of release and renewal.

The Bridge of Transformation:

Further along the path, you discover a stone bridge that spans the stream. This bridge represents transformation and the passage from a state of stress to a state of peace.

Cross the bridge and feel the sensation of lightness and release that accompanies this transition. You are now in a part of the garden where nature is even more lush and soothing.

The Temple of Healing

You finally arrive at a peaceful temple at the heart of the garden. Enter this temple and find a comfortable place to sit.

In this temple, you are surrounded by healing and benevolent energy. Close your eyes and imagine a soothing light descending from the ceiling and enveloping your entire body. This light represents healing and serenity, penetrating every cell of your body, relieving stress, and bringing a deep sense of peace.

The Conversation with the Subconscious

Now that you are in this state of relaxation and healing, it is the perfect time to communicate with your subconscious. Visualize a wise person sitting in front of you, representing the wisdom and knowledge of your subconscious mind.

Ask them questions about the causes of your stress and listen carefully to the answers they give you. This wise person may reveal valuable information to help you better understand your thoughts and emotions, and guide you towards healing and well-being.

Healing Metaphors

As you talk with the wise person, they may offer you healing metaphors to help you manage your stress. They might tell you about a strong tree that bends without breaking in the wind, reminding you of your own ability to face adversity. Or perhaps they will tell you the story of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, symbolizing your own transformation and growth.

Take these metaphors to heart and let them inspire and guide you in your quest for healing and well-being.

The Return to the Real World

When you are ready, thank the wise person for their wisdom and guidance and leave the temple. Cross the bridge of transformation again, follow the path of letting go, and exit the inner garden through the wooden gate.

Slowly return to your breath and awareness of your body. Take a few deep breaths and feel the energy and vitality return to your body. When you are ready, open your eyes and return to the real world, carrying with you the peace, serenity, and healing you found in the inner garden.
