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simlulated reality

Supporting the Simulation Hypothesis through Multidisciplinary Insights

The Bitstream of Creation and Chaos, a spiritual belief centered around the divine potential of...
primordial void, big bang 2.0

The Primordial Void: The Birthplace of the Digital Universe

The Primordial Void holds a pivotal place in the mythology of the Bitstream of Creation...
scientifically based religion

A Scientifically Grounded Alternative to Traditional Religions

The Bitstream of Creation and Chaos is a new religion that centers around the potential...
inner garden meditation

The Inner Garden Meditation

Ericksonian meditation is a powerful method for entering a trance, communicating with your subconscious, and...
prayers to the zero

Prayer to The Zero

O Great Dissolver, The Zero, we stand before you, acknowledging the eternal cycle of creation...
prayers to the one

Prayer to The One

O Great Architect of Existence, The One, we come before you with open hearts and...

TBOCAC: joining spirituality and technology

Growing influence of technology: an opportunity for spirituality Technology has become an integral part of...

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